A short film by Creative Control, directed by Erykah Badu, from New Amerykah, Pt. 2: Return of the Ankh.
Out My Mind, Just In Time
4 April 2012, 17:23
Puzzle Pieces
3 April 2012, 13:15
An Open Letter To Dick Cheney
Dear Dick,
Hi. Over the weekend, I read up on your surgery with a lot of interest. To be honest, I’d flat-out forgotten that our technology was capable of moving hearts between humans, and, well… Wow.
Congratulations! This is amazing news; the opportunity is mind-boggling.
To live every single heartbeat of the life ahead of you fully cognizant of the gift – to consider the best qualities of the human whose heart beats in your chest – to discover a new purpose for this rebuilt you - it makes my head spin.
I mean – we’re talking about your heart. This is major. You, sir, are new.
One aspect of my day involved a glorious bike sprint out to King’s Highway to make some key copies (long story, another time). Whipped by 15-20 mph winds under open sun, threading through the cement trucks and eighteen-wheelers, soaking in the fast view of streets I’d never seen before (and I’m a native, mind you), I had some time to think about what you could do with this new-to-you heart.
Because what really struck me was the detail that you’ve had five heart attacks total, the first at 37 (quite young, though there is the thought that every heart attack is too soon). One can’t really argue with data like that, and I’m led to suspect that you have some habits that deserve reconsideration.
I’m young myself—still just a boy, really—but I’ve figured out a few small solves, and maybe they’d be useful to you in this next phase of your life.
BIKE YEAR-ROUND — It’s the fastest way I know to get anywhere, it’s exhilarating, it’s free, it builds character, and one day you realize you don’t need elevators, either.
EAT WELL, AND MODESTLY — With the good stuff, it only takes a little, and it’s so much more fun to share.
LOVE YOUR KIDS LIKE IT’S GOING OUT OF STYLE — The way we love them is a reflection of how we love ourselves.
SMILE MORE — We’re all better looking when we do.
BE WITH NATURE — It’s home. Go there frequently.
TREAD GENTLY — We’re borrowing this, all of it.
None of us are our pasts. Turn history on its ear. Let’s see what this new heart can do.
Your fellow citizen,
26 March 2012, 16:56
Your Turn [1]
The Owners of The Future
Man Up is a global campaign to activate youth to stop violence against women and girls. On March 8, they hosted a fundraiser at 25CPW – AFTH2011’s project space.
The showing was excellent; the fundraiser was a success; Questlove on the decks was a definite treat; the afterparty at Red Roots was made classic by Driftwood’s good graces. Goodness across the board, but not the key takeaway of my evening.
Humming a tune at the 59th street station, still smiling from the easy companionship of the good people Bess keeps close, I reflected on the conversation and connections made, and the truth of Kevyn’s words settled in before I was aware of them.
The future will belong to those with open minds and open hearts, who can appreciate beauty in all its forms. —KEVYN AUCOIN
Alongside said appreciation for beauty comes the power to embrace change, to seize the potential of every (inevitable) turn of the wheel — fearlessly.
Growing with change means floating on the emotions ushered in and stepping through to what comes after. Yeah, this means walking on water, it could mean growing wings, but it also means something simple, it means that there is no fear, there is no failure, there is nowhere to fall, everything we’re doing is what we’re here to do, so long as the soul sings along the way, and after it all, after the sunsets and the skirts that trail along the floor, and this, and so much more, what other way is there to go?
23 March 2012, 12:49
Think Big
15 March 2012, 11:06